Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wood Themed

I am enjoying finding all of the wood grain design products that I have come across. My current project is for a carpenter and wood grain is the theme. Here are a few of the items that caught my eye and I thought were so creative.

Below is brown embroidery thread hand-stitched into painted canvas. This piece was done by Kiwi Punch

I just adore the combination colors in this stationery set, which was the 2008 winner at the National Stationery Show created by Oblation Papers & Press

Teal is one of my favorite colors and the white wood grain makes the texture pop. I would love to have this business card to hand out. This was created by Sean Gribbon @ Inkfresh

These cards by Allison at Hambly Studios are adorable.

1 comment:

Cat said...

ooo I love woodgrain too!

Thanks for the mention! :)